I'm so hungover.

Edit because I was too hungover to add context to this one yesterday.
First of all this is not an apology because it would be a pretty half assed apology. Now that that's out of the way, I drew this one because I looked back and realized that the way I went about things was a little too dramatic. I was shocked at the blatant disregard for my feelings and rejection of my friendship. I wanted revenge. I thought about egging his truck but I decided that lashing out on the internet was a better option. I don't know what I thought I would accomplish with what I did. Maybe he would see what he had done and he would come back with an apology and a promise to make things right. Maybe I was just jealous that he was making time for his new girlfriend and he wouldn't have done the same for me. Sharing the drawings made me feel better but also made me look like the crazy ex-girlfriend that throws all of the separated couples dirty laundry out for all to see. I'm not going to say I'm sorry nor am I going to try to retract what I said, because I meant it. This is more of an expression of regret for the way I handled things.