Saturday, January 2, 2010

I was pretty grumpy yesterday

This is my take on Avatar.

The reason for First Friday has been forgotten. It is a massive gallery opening. Most of the galleries in downtown Phoenix open their doors to debut that months artwork. I think some people don't even realize that it's put on by galleries trying to sell art.  They just think it's some sort of eat food from a truck with cheap jewelry vender thing. I refused to shop at the stupid street vendors. I was annoyed when I saw a lot people taking cell phone pictures of a certain piece of artwork because it was awesome, but it had not been sold yet. The most frustrating thing was seeing a guy just toss his can on the ground when we were 20 feet from a trash can.  That has nothing to do with First Friday but it's just generally douchey. Careless douche bags...


  1. This is the person who got your mission from mystery google. Your artwork is awesome and i'm glad whatever surgery you had went well. My friends will definitely find out about this. God bless.

  2. So I was the fellow who received your mystery google bit. I'm a college kid, freshman year at a tech school. No offense meant, but I sincerely doubt my friends are going to start coming to this blog, but that has more to do with the vast amounts of homework associated with classes like Differential Equations II, Organic Chemistry II, Computer Applications in Global Integration Systems, etc. Fun stuff.

    At any rate, you've some legitimate humor here. It reminds me a bit of XKCD, but minus some of Randal Monroe's semi-recent "I'm soooooooo smart!" stuff where he makes an obscure reference to force a laugh that really isn't tremendously funny, even when you get the reference.

    Due to the same tidbits I listed above- complicated classes that I'm occasionally not smart enough for- I probably won't be back again any time soon. But I'll try to remember to check in every now and again. To use the words of Journey: Don't stop believing. And for the record- my friends and I are majoring in engineering to be evil geniuses. My degree in Civil/Mechanical will be PERFECT for making our evil lair! ;)

  3. disagree times infinity.
