Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ego Bruised

I used to think I was pretty strong until I saw the number on the weights that I could hardly lift. BTW, the three pound weights are an exaggeration. I actually had trouble with the eight pounders but the dude wouldn't let me get anything lighter.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Am Done

Yup, I've been trying to find the balls to tell him the whole second chance thing isn't working out for weeks. When I finally get the nerve to do it, he won't answer the damn phone. Since he wouldn't return my phone calls, I assumed he felt the same way except he doesn't want to be civil with me.  This is the first time anyone has just blown me off like this. I'm pretty pissed that I didn't get the chance to tell him he's a jerk. Oh well, I'm back on the search for love and company.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The system is broken

This is what happens when you can't afford to buy that extra time from a doctor.  It took months for me to get this appointment and all they do is give me pills and shove me out the door. I hate this system.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lovely Leela

I think she gets joy out of me stepping on her pee spot with my bare feet.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sleepless nights

I'm having too many sleepless nights. Maybe I should get another mattress or something.

Anyways, leave me some comments and tell your friends to leave me comments so I have something to read at 2am.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The sounds of machines

The sound of a sewing machine has been buzzing. I've had some inspiration and the designs are simple enough that I can actually execute my ideas.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Arizona Heat is Killer!

"It's not even that hot yet." I don't care. I'm staying indoors until October.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Basic Grooming Skills

I lack one or two basic grooming skills. That's the reason I have never let my hair grow past my shoulders for 12 years. 
When I was little, my dad would help me with my super long hair. He would brush it and braid it for school. I cannot do my own long hair without it looking like I let a toddler play with it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Derby talk

I really wish I had the balls to say that to someone in person. Ha!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Evil Pastry

Oh, cupcake, I do believe that you are delicious but I'm trying to lose weight and you're evil.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

EEK! It's icky!

I have a rather large blemish on my cheek that I thought was a pimple until  half of my face swelled up and the blemish grew to the size of a grape. I'm blaming this on a spider due to the headache and nausea that has accompanied it. The little bastard must have gotten me in my sleep or he would have been squished and fed to my dog. grrrrr. Now it's time to ice my face.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Grumpy little dude

Leela defends me from my roommate's dog when the dog is in a bad mood. He isn't very happy when my roommate isn't home. He just sits on the couch and sulks. He'll growl at me when I try to pet him then Leela will go exchange words with him. Then he sulks some more.