Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I bought this ages ago for Leela. Leela liked it ok but it doesn't squeak or have fluff to rip out and throw everywhere so it's not her favorite. Naru has fallen hard for this thing. I never thought I would see any creature cuddle with a hard piece of plastic.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Underrated character

I've drawn a lot about my boyfriend's jerk cat. I haven't mentioned his dog, Naru. She's a corgi and Australian shepherd mix. The cat used to be completely in love with Naru as his only animal friend around. They cuddled all the time and it was adorable. Then I moved in and brought Leela. I hate to say it but despite Naru's cuteness, beauty, and all around nice demeanor, Leela has more charisma. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just when I get comfortable.

This cat decides he only likes indie hipster music. I don't care how much of a hipster I am, I like Justin Timberlake. Is that so wrong?